
Gardening: The Beginning

I don't know about you, but we straight up laid up this winter. Not really. However now that it is spring it would be nice to think that we just spent the last several months resting ourselves to prepare for what we have gotten ourselves into! There has finally been enough land cleared to make way for our gardens. Wait, that should definitely be a headline:

"There Has FINALLY Been Enough Land Cleared to Make Way For Our Gardens!!!"

You see, we have a large plowable garden spot down by the creek but I wanted raised beds and I wanted them closer. In my mind I have a garden with adorable pathways and chickens scratching with ducks and peacocks wandering around. Have you ever seen The Secret Garden? Well that's what I want.

I sometimes have trouble getting going around the house. I have so many ideas and so many lists and so many half finished projects that it is hard for me to focus and just get going on anything new. Planning this garden, which I hope to be not only fruitful but aesthetically pleasing, seemed like a challenge and I had no better idea how to plan a garden than a back pack trip across Europe. "That's not true, we did grow up gardening." -says Brett. Well, he did. I grew up weeding the garden... as a treat. My Poppa loved gardening so much he didn't need help. Growing up having a garden seem so precious, I feel as though I have finally come to the point in my life where I can appreciate and properly care for the garden. Raising children probably did that for me. Haha~!

I was surprised when I turned for help how many people were discouraging! We heard about the work, the toil, the problems, were given the blood/sweat/tears speech, and maybe then were told about the joys of gardening. We heard about the fads and the trends... What the heck is 'manure tea'!? {We found out and we love it.} Honestly, we're no stranger to blood, sweat, and tears. Like most Americans, that's how we'll earn our way. So, with all of our experience gathered up, we just started. We keep moving forward, figuring it out as we go. Brett and I have found out how much we absolutely love working outside. I know I personally find gardening to be my dream job. There is constantly tedious labor to be done, I always feel better when I'm a bit sore, and there is no way I can micro manage this thing too much. Though, my favorite part has to be the physical gratification of watching something progress with life that I helped nurture. That's why I call them my "Babies". You all do that too, right?

Day One

Week One

Filling the beds Brett made from reclaimed wood found on the property with fertile dirt snatched from the creek bottoms.

Snow Peas... Boo Ya!

I say we got the job done. It was hard, and took weeks. I am waiting patiently for the horrible part (which is forecast for 100+ degree harvesting in July and August). As far as the aesthetically pleasing part, I have decided to let the organic garden develop, well, organically. I just started with raised beds and keep adding things I like. Every day I make a contribution to the garden and will do so until I run out space! 

Circle of Lettuce

Now we are off to do it all over again down at the bottoms. Even though I expect to be outvoted, I am going to attempt for something like this:

Martha Stewart gardens

So today I am doing my research and development on my favorite blogs and Pinterest. We are expecting rain so that means hours of guilt free internet surfing for me!

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